Nplot map of the outsiders book town

Choose from 500 different sets of plot diagram outsiders flashcards on quizlet. It just makes me think that maybe they all have another side to them that they dont show. This worksheet has a staircase pattern that moves from the bottom left to the upper right of the paper. In all three films, dillon embodied so perfectly the dreamboat bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks, a designation he would strive to escape in his later career. Free the outsiders notes, plot and chapter summaries, themes, and more. Dally sent johnny and pony there after killing bob. She has said in interviews that it was a fictional town which she modeled after her own town of tulsa, oklahoma. The outsiders chapter 4 summary and analysis gradesaver. They show him the morning paper, which contains an article with the headline juvenile delinquents turn heroes. In the outsiders, east side and west side function almost like symbolssymbols to represent the economic divide as ponyboy sees it, not the complicated nature of a real city. She started writing the book when she was fifteen years old and had it published when she was eighteen.

Twobit objects to the verb turn, asserting that ponyboy and johnny were heroes all along. Get 1 pages of notes and analysis on the book the outsiders from. The action of the outsiders takes place in tulsa, oklahoma in the 1960s. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. The greasers are the downandouts who are less socially advantaged and are described by. The next morning, ponyboy wakes up before his brothers and starts making breakfast. Dec 10, 2010 the outsiders story mapthe story map is much like a graphic version of the novel. Johnny tells dally that he wants to go back to town and pay for his crimes. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. I think i am one of the very few who didnt read this book as required reading in school. The outsiders 17 before we start handout 5, continued novel road map to success chapter 12 1. The gang of young boys that ponyboy and his friends belong to. The socs, short for socials, gang up on ponyboy and threaten to slit.

The outsiders cliffsnotes study guides book summaries. On his way home from the movies, ponyboy curtis, a longhaired greaser from the lowincome section of town, gets jumped by the socs, the gang of rich kids who bully. In particular, the plot is about the development of one of the greasers, ponyboy curtis, as he journeys down a path of selfdiscovery. They are called greasers because of the hair oil they use. Using the novel the outsiders, create a mind map that describes a variety of settings three to six that are important in creating the plot of the narrative. Pony is afraid that they are going to kill him and starts shouting for help. This oversimplification of the tulsa setting reflects the characters longstanding beliefs that people belong to either one gang or the other, and there is no middle ground. The outsiders plot diagram storyboard by rebeccaray.

Design a new book jacket or cover that would effectively represent this novel. Thirty years later, it speaks to teenagers as powerfully as ever. This is a sample book report from ultius on the novel the outsiders, which tells the story of two youth gangs with a serious rivalry. The outsiders character map storyboard by rebeccaray.

Town in the 1960s drivein the drivein is a local spot where socs and greasers go on dates or get into trouble. My writings debatably improved since then but im too lazy to edit it. The outsiders is a 1983 american coming of age drama film directed by francis ford coppola, an adaptation of the 1967 novel of the same name by s. He introduces us to his family, two older brothers that raise him since his parents died. This onepage guide includes a plot summary and brief analysis of the outsiders by s.

Where are all of the places and locations of the main. Cherry shares her philosophy on what separates the two. The book is set in tulsa, oklahoma during the early 1960s. Comprehension by chapter, vocabulary challenges, creative reading response activities and projects, tests, and much more. A car follows him, and he suspects that it is filled with a bunch of socs pronounced sohshes, members of a rich west side gang who recently beat up his friend johnny. Randys point of view from the outsiders the fountain scene. Hintons the outsiders was published in 1967 when she was just. The outsiders plot summary in a small american town two groups of young people the greasers poor and the socs rich often fight each others. Hinton tells the story of 14yearold ponyboy curtis and his struggle with right and wrong in a society in which he is an outsider. Hinton tells the story of 14yearold ponyboy curtis and his struggle with right and wrong in a. Ponyboy curtis, a member of the greasers, a gang of poor east side kids in tulsa, leaves a movie theater and begins to walk home alone. Hinton was born in tulsa, oklahoma and attended the university of tulsa. Hintonaccording to wikipedia, the outsiders is a comingofage novel by s. S to show where oklahoma and the city of tulsa are located.

Sincethe text you are writing is very minimal in comparison to atraditional book report, it needs to be vey clean, to the point,and grammatically correct. An important, early location in the story is the drivein movie theater. Walking home from a movie, ponyboy is attacked by a group of socs, the greasers rivals, who are upperclass youths from the west side of town. We first meet our narrator, fourteenyearold ponyboy, as hes walking home from the moviesalone, which is something we know hes not supposed to be doing. A comingofage novel about two gangs, the greasers and the socs. Beginning at the bottom left of the page, students will number each major event in the literary work and write a short description of the event. No where in the book does it say the name of the church. The novel is the story of a traumatic time in the life of a recently orphaned fourteenyearold boy named ponyboy curtis. The movie comes to an end and the group decides to walk over to twobits house to get his car to take the girls home.

Hinton has written a novel that deals with the changes youth experience during adolescence. The socs are wealthier and often beat up on the greasers, including playboy, his brothers darry and sodapop, and his friends johnny and twobit. Book title, author, a brief written description and illustrations must be included. On his way home from the movies, ponyboy curtis, a longhaired greaser from the lowincome section of town, gets jumped by. Where are all of the places and locations of the main events. A car follows him, and he suspects that it is filled with a bunch of socs pronounced sohshes, members of a rich west side gang who recently beat up his friend. Free the outsiders worksheets and literature unit for. Free the outsiders study unit worksheets for teachers to print. The outsiders plot diagram, story map, plot pyramid, plot. The novel tells the story of ponyboy curtis and his struggles with right and wrong in a society in which he believes that he is an outsider.

Country and city when ponyboy and johnny run off to hide in windrixville, the story takes a turn for the pastoral. The outsiders story mapthe story map is much like a graphic version of the novel. After the initial introductions to the characters and the basic conflicts, we find ourselves on a wild ride full of fights, rumbles, shootouts, and the flashing bulbs of newspaper cameras. They jump out of the car, and run up the hill to the church. The outsiders transformed youngadult fiction from a genre mostly about prom queens, football players and high school crushes to one that portrayed a darker, truer world. His east side neighborhood is patrolled by bullying socials, rich kids from the west side of town.

The outsiders setting map by nick molargik on prezi. The narrative is an account of two gangs, the greasers and the socs. Her first novel, the outsiders, was published in 1967 and changed publishing for young adults by portraying a grittier, more realistic view of the lives of teenagers. Hinton, follows two rival groups the socs and the greasers. Johnny had gone for supplies and returned with food, cigarettes, soap, peroxide, a deck of playing cards. Both groups despise each other because they do not understand each other. Start studying plot organization map the outsiders.

The outsiders plot diagram is an organizational tool focusing on a pyramid or triangular shape, which is used to story map the events in a story. The new york times taut with tension, filled with drama. Nonfiction means its not a true story and fiction means its a true story. The outsiders chapters timeline timetoast timelines. If you can take this quiz without looking back into the book and getting any wrong answers, youre. The stranger by albert camus animated book summary duration. While returning home from the movies one night, pony is attacked by the socs, a gang of rich kids from the west side of town. Twobit and marcia are continuing to get along, and as they walk ponyboy and cherry amaze themselves as they divulge insights as confidants. Pony and twobit walk to the hospital to see johnny. He lives on the east side, a member of the lower class and a gang of.

Learn the outsiders plot with free interactive flashcards. But then things get out of hand, and ponyboy has to act fast to help his friend. They live on the east side of town, which is the bad side while the socs live on the west side. Dallas, ponyboy, and johnny greasers go into a theater and seat themselves behind two soc girls, cherry and marcia. The outsiders summary from litcharts the creators of. Most of the town thinks they are bad, even though they are no worse than their rivals, the cleancut socs. This mapping of plot pyramid, allows readers and writers to visualize the key features of stories using the plot chart. When it was first published in 1967, the outsiders defied convention with its immediate, deeply sympathetic portrayal of ponyboy and his struggle to find a place for himself in a difficult world. Hinton plot overview ponyboy curtis belongs to a lowerclass group of oklahoma youths who call themselves greasers because of their greasy long hair. The outsiders character map by anuj devatha on prezi.

Learn the roles and relationships of the characters in the outsiders, and how they contribute to the plot. Nieu bethesda is a quaint little village with many restaurants and coffee shops. Hinton weaves together a couple of pretty compatible genres to create the overall effect of the outsiders. The outsiders is a classic dramatic novel first published in 1967 by author s. Sep 21, 2016 the outsiders was the second of three films dillon was to act in directed by francis ford coppola, the others being tex and rumble fish. The book details the conflict between two rival gangs divided by their socioeconomic. Choose from 147 different sets of the outsiders plot flashcards on quizlet. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. I read it for the first time recently and what especially struck a chord with me was. Hinton was 15 when she started writing the novel but did most of the work when she was 16 and a junior in high school.

They left the door unlocked at all times in case someone else from the gang needed in in a hurry. The outsiders is about two weeks in the life of a 14yearold boy. The world famous owl house is in the heart of the village and is an attraction visited by more than 15 000 visitors every year. Ponyboy is a greaser and he and his gang have battles with the socs.

The outsiders was definitely the best book they ever made us read in school, and this reminds me of the prose strongly. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading the outsiders. The car stops, and several socs emerge and begin roughing ponyboy up and. What does ponyboy do when three socs approach him after his court appearance. Hinton tells the story of 14yearold ponyboy curtis and his struggle with right and wrong in a society in which he is.

Plot structure the outsiders, from the beginning to the end, is centered on the gang rivalry between the underprivileged greasers from the east side of town and the rich socs from the west side. It is also a novel that represents the coming of age of a young boy who struggles against being labelled low class or undesirable because of his upbringing. The outsiders info ratings comments mind map by vincenza8907, created over 3 years ago. The curtis house the gang spent most of their time in the curtis house. May 27, 2019 this is an essay i wrote for 9th grade about 6 years ago, that pretty much answers this question. The outsiders summary from litcharts the creators of sparknotes.

Jo ellen misakian, a librarian at lone star elementary school in fresno, california, and her students were responsible for inspiring coppola to. The book has conflicts between two gangs in the book. As he drives ponyboy and johnny back home, they see the church is on fire. In the outsiders a teen named ponyboy describes a major mishap in his life. Hintons the outsiders offer summary and analysis on themes, symbols, and other literary devices found in the text. The book is a comingofage story that centers on a gang of young boys. It follows the life of ponyboy as he maneuvers through life living on the poorer side of the city. Pony curtis is a member of the greasers, a gang of poor teenagers with long, oily hair and from the wrong side of town. Explore classroom activities, puzzles, teacher resources and enrichment pdfs for this.

Hinton was 15 when she started writing the novel, butdid most of the work when she was sixteen and a junior in high school. Conscious again, johnny asks for some hair oil and a copy of gone with the wind, which twobit goes out to purchase. Ponyboy curtis belongs to a lowerclass group of oklahoma youths who call themselves greasers because of their greasy long hair. Pony is left to visit with his friend, whom he senses is close to death. Everything is a matter of life or death, triumph or failure.

Learn plot diagram outsiders with free interactive flashcards. Johnny, pony, darry, dally, 2bit, soda, steve, tim sheperd theme. Where is the location of the book the outsiders answers. Puffin is proud to publish this contemorary classic for a new generation of readers. Jan 25, 2008 actually, hinton never named the town in the book. The book details the conflict between two rival gangs divided by their socioeconomic status. He lives with his two older brothers, sodapop and darry, jokester twobit, sodas friend, steve, the toughest, dally, and weakling, johnny. The outsiders printables, classroom activities, teacher. Waking up in a church with the dull realization that johnnys killing of bob and the flight from the law really did happen, ponyboy daydreams about being with darry and soda and how wonderful life was at home. May 15, 2012 the outsiders transformed youngadult fiction from a genre mostly about prom queens, football players and high school crushes to one that portrayed a darker, truer world. Paul newman then and now, and something from newmans own cars of the 60s, particularly trucks, corvettes, corvairs, and mustangs hairstyles of the 60s clothing styles of the 60s, particularly jeans and madras picture of poet robert frost. The town which is named is where they go when they run away.

Marcia best friends with cherry and is the girlfriend of randy. Hinton, in tulsa, oklahoma, ponyboy curtis, the youngest of a clan that was poor in the east side of town known as greasers, is a guy with good grades and is very sensitive. What is a short summary of the book the outsiders by s. Ponyboy explains that the greasers rule the poorer east side of town, while the socs run the wealthier west side of town. It is narrated by one of the main characters, ponyboy curtis. Supersummary, a modern alternative to sparknotes and cliffsnotes, offers highquality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. May 23, 2010 nicely for me the e book is often extra valuable. The socs are from the rich side and the greasers are from the poor side of this small town in oklahoma. I would say that there are four key locations that tend to stick out in the minds of most readers. Sodapop save marcia sodapop ponyboys brother, a highschool dropout who works at a gas station. You can find this storyboard in the following articles and resources.