Highest film body count

The opening of saving private ryan alone features around 100 deaths, most of them american soldiers killed by the germans. Jason caused a crash in outter space that resulted in a large space station being completely destroyed. These counts are only for onscreen, confirmed dead. The counts include both humans and whatever other creatures are in those movies zombies, autobots, etc. Here is a list of top 10 highest body count characters. Still in what looks to be impeccable shape even at the age of 53, li undoubtedly has a few more badass roles in him. What disney animated movie has the highest body count. Guardians of the galaxy holds deadliest movie record for. His highest kill count, by far, came in the warlords, a film that essentially put him in a war zone and let him go wild. Chapter 2 definitely has the most skewed kill ratio of all the movies so far, as only about 1. Name the top 20 movies with the highest number of onscreen violent deaths.

In all of movie history, these characters have the highest body count 27 photos by. Only six survived, including shanyu who mulan, but mulans insatiable bloodlust made light work of him later in the film. My body count is 6, is that considered a high body count. Although there are some repeat offenders on this list mass killers dont tend to change their mood in the sequel, there are some rather unexpected inclusions what up, will smith. Movie body counts tallies the actual, visible on screen killsdeathsbodies of your favorite action, scifi, and war films.

I know that most freshmen boys get excited with the prospect of going out to a stickyfloored frat on the weekends to find a sweaty girl in a body con dress to. Movies with the highest onscreen human body count imdb. A kill was counted when either a dead body was seen or a character was very. Did you ever wonder which character killed the most people in a single movie. Top 100 body counts, a list of films by russman letterboxd. Halloween, everyones favorite bloodsoaked holiday, is quickly creeping up on us. The film was first screened in hollywood, california, usa, on 7 may 2011. Guardians of the galaxy has highest onscreen body count. Each film delivers its unique collection of inventive kills and death sequences. A list of 100 films compiled on letterboxd, including guardians of the galaxy 2014, dracula untold 2014, the sum of all fears 2002, the lord of the rings. Top 10 movies with the highest body count therichest.

Top 25 deadliest actors of all time by onscreen kills in. We had a discussion the other day about what movie holds the worlds record for the most killingsdeaths. Cult film 23 held at gunpoint 23 betrayal 22 exploding body 22 shot in the forehead 22 showdown 22 slow motion scene 22 epic 21 fire 21 gun 21 stabbed in the back 21 throat slitting 21 action hero 20 fight 20 impalement 20 no opening credits 20 punched in the face 20 anti hero 19 beating 19 decapitation 19 escape 19 honor 19 military 19. Biggest body count number from one character in history of the movie. Most will suggest that hes just about the deadliest guy ever seen on the big screen. According to the fine and diligently folks at, these are the characters in an individual film who are responsible for the most deaths. The friday the th film franchise has amassed over one hundred dead bodies during the run of the film series. Oscars best picture winners best picture winners golden globes emmys san diego comiccon new york comiccon sundance film festival toronto intl film festival awards central festival central all events.

The baby that she carried before entering the coma is gone. Compare that to the first film, dr no 1962 with only 12, four of them by bond. Most of us regular people have body counts of up to 50, and usually most of us have anywhere from 1 to 3 kids, usually all from just one or two mothers. Over the weekend, i discovered a web site where a group of dedicated film fanatics have been systematically counting onscreen deaths in various films for several years. The bride kill bill i 2003 76 kills the bride wakes up after a long coma. Chapter 3 parabellum killing it at the box office, everyones talking about how brutal and efficient he is. This was prompted by watching kill bill and seeing uma off the 88 gang with her sword. What serial killer has the highest body count answers.

Highest body count in a slasher film guinness world records. I immediately set out to scrape all of the data from their web site and forums so i could visualize it and see what we could learn. Top 25 deadliest films of all time by onscreen death. Heres the disney princess with the highest kill count. Body counts of on screen kills for movies and films. According to a recent study, james gunns guardians of the galaxy is said to have the highest on screen body count of any movie ever made. These movie characters have the highest body counts of all. Not only did it have the most intense dialogue, and also the highest body count, it had a first war scene, it had an aerial sequence, and by far the most animals ive worked with, saulnier. Born today most popular celebs most popular celebs celebrity news. In just three movies, the john wick kill count has surpassed that of halloween and friday the th combined. Body count, an italian slasher film directed by ruggero deodato. Body count, an american crime thriller directed by robert pattonspruill. Action movie fans have calculated the bodycount of john wick 3. Body count band, a heavy metal band formed by icet in 1990 body count, a 1992 album by body count bodycount, a song by jessie reyez.

Adam greens hatchet ii is said to have the highest body count in a slasher film with 17 on screen kills. Despite hot shots part deuxs claim to be the bloodiest movie ever, we actually did the math and found the top body counts for war films featuring the u. Top 10 highest body count action movie characters movies. The return of the king 2003 and the lord of the rings.

The combined body count of the second and third films in the series feature 4,512 deaths. If theyre still moving when the director cuts to the next shot, it doesnt count. Total number of john wick kills in all 3 movies revealed newshub. Were breaking down the most lethal movie stars by highest number of onscreen kills. Jason x the masked killer from the friday the th horror film series. The moment you find out this 2002 film is based on an actual battle which took. First of all, films with death counts below 50 were excluded. Arnold schwarzeneggers highest singlefilm kill count comes from commando 1985, where in the final island scene he racked up 74 kills. That being said, this is the method for one of the most. In all of movie history, these characters have the highest body count 27 photos with john wick. Sean connerys you only live twice 1967 was the most deadly film.

The 25 deadliest actors according to onscreen body counts. Here are 25 movie characters with the highest kills counts in a single movie. You do not have to be a fan of amcs the walking dead to know that it carries a high death count, but fans of the series have likely seen a favorite character or two, or three, or four, exit the series in a gruesome way. But which disney character has the highest body count. Mulan is singlehandedly responsible for wiping out nearly all of the hun army, which looks to be in the hundreds range, if not near a thousand. Below, you will read about the untimely demise of each victim in their respective film at. Yeah were all at least 18 here at college, so if youve reached it, simmer down. John wick kill count higher than most slasher films combined. Body count or below utopia, an american thriller directed by kurt voss. The highest body count in a slasher film is 155 in the film the summer of massacre usa, 2011, directed by joe castro and produced by steven escobar both usa. Movie characters with the highest body count 26 photos.

Highest kill count in movies a number thats often talked about in action movies is kill or body count. Statistics on the jetpunk quiz highest body count films. Theres a lot of death in bond films 1,300 people dying in the official films alone. Theres also the army of china getting utterly slaughtered, including shangs father, g. However the deadliest bond was pierce brosnan he killed 5 people in four films, an average of 33. Can you identify which of these films feature the most onscreen deaths. Its strange to count grindhouse as one film the concept of grindhouse isnt to create similar movies and show them together, but to bring together different movies which are all b, but i know many people do so. Guardians of the galaxy tops list of deadliest films with 83,871. W hen watching an action film, have you ever thought about how many people the main character kills during the movie. How many people james bond kill in james bond movies.